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Médiaperformances Presents its Good Act 2024

The Good Act is part of the 1% for Care programme that covers all our social commitments.

This programme gives staff members a chance to present to the whole company a charity or association that they love and that supports responsible consumption or food insecurity.

The Good Act lets employees play an active role in choosing the associations that Médiaperformances supports.

In 2024, three employees each presented an association to the entire workforce.

The association “La Salle à Manger”, presented by Laure Géradon, received the most votes.

La Salle à Manger is a social restaurant located in La Défense near Paris.
It welcomes a mixed population of people who work in the area, as well as those referred by day shelters.

The cooking is done using unsold produce by a team of people on vocational rehabilitation schemes.

Since the initiative’s launch, five associations have received support and funding, thanks to this programme and the commitment of our employees.

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