Giving meaning to mass retail

We believe in positive influence and responsible consumption, and that more content and transparency provide greater meaning.
And buying has become a way to express one’s values.


Hiring those that count

Our approach is based on four key commitments, for which we have set clear objectives.
To stay in step with our 2030 strategy and vision, all our CSR objectives are aligned with this deadline.
Our unique approach also counts on a team of four people, out of a total staff of 156, working every day to achieve our corporate, social and environmental objectives.

Our commitments

Consumption patterns are changing. Consumers are looking to make their purchases sustainable and responsible. They want to make an impact, and buying is now, more than ever, an expression of one’s values.
This conviction is what drives our mission.
“Use our media to encourage more responsible consumption that is accessible to everyone”.
This is behind every one of our commitments and actions.

Implement a high value-added CSR approach
Reduce the carbon footprint of our activities and solutions
Develop an ambitious employment policy in line with our values
Increase our commitment to solidarity and social responsibility
Group 1

Commitment is great, but certification is even better.
In 2021, we were awarded B Corp certification and are proud to be the first media agency to obtain this label.
“We don’t seek to be the best company in the world, but to be the best for the world.”


90% of our staff members say Médiaperformances is a great place to work!
To make sure our working conditions are on the right track, every year for the past four years we have applied for GPTW certification, a reliable and impartial indicator that measures our teams’ engagement.

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More responsible, sustainable and aware

Médiaperformances became a signatory to the Global Compact in 2018 and is committed to respecting and implementing its 10 principles.
The company has gone a step further by identifying the Sustainable Development Goals that are derived from these 10 principles and contributing to them through our CSR strategy and activities.
Today, we are pleased to contribute to eight of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.