Effectiveness of the campaign on sales of Michel & Augustin snacks
Display visibility rate (+20 points vs. MOAT benchmark)
Completion rate (vs. 65% MOAT benchmark)
remembered the video (+5 points vs. benchmark)
Intention and consideration
48% of those who remembered the videos want to find out more about products and buy them in-store.

An audience-expanding digital campaign with over 2.2 million impressions.
Targets included buyers of the Michel & Augustin brand, buyers of competing brands, aperitif and organic product categories using Carrefour brand data + activation via our proprietary Fidme data of data on food chain loyalty card holders: Système U, Leclerc and Monoprix, in which the product is also listed.
A DOOH campaign in 160 Carrefour stores over one week, triggering memories of the advertising as soon as the customer enters the store and repeating the message in inward aisles, thus reaching 26 million contacts.