Offsite Activation
The shopper activation solution for audience extension

30 million
activatable shoppers
contactable hypermarket/supermarket loyalty card holders
Unique Multi-Retailer Shopper Activation Power
Médiaperformances distributes your audience extension digital advertising campaigns to your shopper targets.
We have the most powerful multi-brand shopper data on the hypermarket/supermarket segment!
Offsite Activation

Our strength lies in the quality of our data
We have the most powerful hypermarket/supermarket shopper data on the market thanks to our partnerships with three brands, representing over 40% market share, or 23 million contactable loyalty card holders

We are also the only company in France to be able to activate hypermarket/supermarket loyalty card holders for all retailers, thanks to exclusive data from our Fidme application
We can also activate your specialised major retailer targets thanks to our proprietary data and our partnerships with several French publishers.
Finally, our geolocalised data enables us to target shoppers in the catchment area of stores carrying your products, amplifying the impact of your in-store activations