Businesses, Social Companies, Associations: We Need Each Other!
- Press
- February 2024
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The fight against food insecurity is a daily battle.
Faced with these alarming figures, all economic players need to join forces and come together in a movement of solidarity to secure and amplify initiatives to benefit as many people as possible.
In the current economic climate, marked by high inflation and shrinking purchasing power, food insecurity is on the rise, and more and more French people are turning to food aid for help.
In France, according to Insee*, 9.3 million people live below the poverty line, i.e. 14.7% of the French population.
And 36% of food-insecure people report that they are spending less on food to meet other essential expenses such as housing or energy.
All anti-poverty associations are warning of the sharp rise in requests for help, and are no longer able to cope with the influx.
In 2023, for example, Banques Alimentaires helped more than 2.5 million people; a year-on-year increase of over 9%.
The business world must not stand idly by – it too has a decisive role to play in tackling the environmental and social challenges facing society.
Supporting associations and companies that help the most disadvantaged should be everyone’s duty.
At Médiaperformances, a B.Corp label holder since 2021, our commitment has been part of our DNA for over 15 years and reflected in our mission statement, “use our media to encourage more responsible consumption that is accessible to everyone”.
These words have taken on a special meaning in the current context.
We are committed to making a positive impact on our society and to anchoring our initiatives in France, so we launched a call for projects as part of our “1% for Care” social commitment scheme.
This call for projects is open to both local and national associations.
Our aim is to help them secure and amplify their initiatives in a difficult social and economic context.
The aim of the call is to encourage and support initiatives from associations and companies in the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) that combat food insecurity and/or promote responsible consumption accessible to all by allocating financial resources so they can carry out their projects.
And, as former U.S. President Bill Clinton said, “we can’t build our own future without helping others build theirs.” So, we encourage you to talk about our call for projects and, for associations and SSE players, to apply!
To participate in the call for projects: You must be an association under the French law of 1901 or an SSE company.
The application form can be downloaded from the Médiaperformances website and must be returned by e-mail (rse@mediaperf.com) before midnight 30 April.
The selection committee will be held between 3 and 16 June, and the names of the successful organisations will be revealed in September 2024.
Médiaperformances’ 1% for Care scheme is dedicated to social commitment and the company’s impact on the society around it.
It brings together other initiatives, including long-term partnerships with associations such as Banques Alimentaires, ANDES and Programme Malin.
This support takes various forms, including staff volunteering, skills sponsorship and financial donations.
*Insee study published on 14 November 2023 / Study on inequality and poverty in France 2021.